The telegram was from EMI informing us that we had won third place in the national “Search For A Star” competition and that we would receive a cheque for £250 (a decent wedge of money in those days) and be given the opportunity to audition for EMI in one of their studios.
The news from EMI was good but the response from the record companies who had received our demo tapes, was disappointing.
However, one company appeared to be quite excited about our music: Cube Records contacted us and said that they were very interested in the band.
Eventually, Cube sent someone up to the North-East to see us performing live at a gig. This went well and Cube became even more interested in us.
Furthermore, the person with whom we were conducting most of the negotiations was a real diamond and he appeared genuinely interested in what we were doing.
Despite their interest in us, the whole process was mind-numbingly slow. Then after what seemed like an eternity with nothing really happening Cube contacted us and said that they wanted us to travel to London so that we could have discussions aimed at securing a recording deal.
This was great news for us and of course we agreed to travel at the earliest opportunity. Cube invited us to London and they arranged for us to stay at a superb hotel, at their expense.