To say the least, not getting money that we had earned was a constant source of irritation to us. We did manage on one occasion to negotiate with Tyne Tees Television for them to pay us direct for a performance on the “Geordie Scene”.
When the record company discovered what had happened they were furious, but by then of course, it was too late. The money had gone.
We did the “Geordie Scene” twice and we had learnt from the first experience that ordinarily, the money would go straight to the record company and we would never see any of it. The first TV performance was with Lindisfarne and the second TV performance was with the Bay City Rollers.
Despite us performing regularly, for the reasons that I have already mentioned, we never saw any of the money that we might have earned. Although that was a constant source of irritation to us, it did not deter us from continuing with what we believed in.
We had written several new songs and had made the record company aware of the fact. They travelled to the North East and heard us performing our songs at a gig and discussed with us, the arrangements for returning to the recording Studios in order to make several more recordings.
In due course, we met again with the record producer, Hugh Murphy and we rehearsed our songs together with him before eventually getting back into the recording studios.
The sessions appeared to go quite well but prior to hearing the final mix it was necessary for us to go back to Newcastle as we had several gigs to prepare for.
Some weeks later, we received a cassette tape of the final mix and we were really disappointed with the outcome. We felt that the finished product was a ‘pop’ song and as such was not representative of us as a group.